Frontiers This link opens in a new windowFrontiers is at the forefront of building this ultimate Open Science platform. By taking publishing entirely online, we drive innovations and develop new technologies to make peer-review more efficient and transparent, provide impact metrics for articles and researchers, are the first – and only – to merge open-access publishing with a research network platform, Loop, to catalyse collaboration and research dissemination and we popularize research to the public, including kids. Our mission is to increase the reach and impact of articles and their authors. Frontiers today publishes several of the most cited Open-access journals in the world, is today one of the largest and fastest-growing open-access publishers, receives millions of monthly page views, received the ALPSP Gold Award for Innovation in Publishing in 2014, has publishing agreements with many universities, and collaborates with Nature Publishing Group, Scientific American, Digital Science, OpenAire, CrossRef, OASPA, COPE, Jacobs Foundation, and others to advance Open Science worldwide.